A solid-state drive (SSD) boosts the performance of every app running on it compared with an ordinary hard-disk drive (HDD). The reason is that an SSD uses a number of interconnected flash memory modules, so there are no physical parts to move. In contrast, a hard-disk drive uses spinning disks and each reading or writing process causes the disks to rotate, so the speed of an HDD is fixed. As the cost of the two types of drives are different as well, a lot of computer systems and web servers are provided with an SSD for the OS and random applications, and an HDD for file storage, thus balancing cost and performance. A web hosting service provider can also use a solid-state drive for caching purposes, which means that files which are used on a regular basis will be saved on such a drive for accomplishing higher loading speeds and for limiting the reading/writing processes on the hard-disk drives.

SSD with Data Caching in Hosting

We use exclusively SSDs on our leading-edge cloud web hosting platform and we've removed all HDDs on our production servers so as to offer outstanding loading speeds for every part of our services - files, e-mails and databases. That way, any content which you upload to your hosting account will be reachable very quickly. To enhance the performance of the sites hosted on our end even further, we also use a number of SSDs which function solely as cache - our system stores often accessed content on them and upgrades it without delay. We take advantage of this kind of a setup to ensure that resource-demanding Internet sites don't influence the performance of the other Internet sites hosted on our platform and that way all other websites can also take full advantage of the speed that the SSD drives provide. In addition, due to the fact that the load on the main drives is decreased, their life-span will be longer, that is one more guarantee for the security and integrity of your data.

SSD with Data Caching in Semi-dedicated Servers

All semi-dedicated server accounts that we offer are generated on a cloud platform that employs solely SSD drives. We don't use HDDs any longer, so your sites will load quickly as we employ SSDs for all aspects of the service - files, databases and emails. Considering that some people may host sites that are more frequently visited than others, we also use a number of drives for caching. Our system identifies any content which is loaded more frequently and clones it on these drives so as to load it from them. This setup is used for load-balancing purposes as we guarantee that several reading/writing intensive Internet sites will not influence the performance of the other sites that are stored on the very same main drive. Using caching drives also increases the life-span of the main storage SSDs and reduces the potential for disk failures.