
A safe and secure web app firewall

We offer an instant method of safeguarding every single web application in your account, irrespective of whether it is newly installed or has been imported from another web hosting provider. All our hosting packs offer ModSecurity – a web application firewall program, which is enabled automatically. We have configured it to automatically intercept the majority of hacker attacks. This implies that when you host your site with us, it will be safer than ever before.


Enhanced Service Stability and Security

A cloud hosting system based on security–upgraded Linux–powered web hosting servers

Our hosting servers run a security–enhanced Linux distribution, which makes them very secure and stable. We have invested lots of time and research into creating a riskless platform that can resist enormous hack or even DDoS attacks without disruptions to the hosting service and imperiling your web site’s overall performance.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

NVMe Drives

NVMe–powered cloud hosting machines

All our hosting servers boast NVMe disks rather than standard hard drives. NVMe disks boast faster read ’n’ write speeds, which implies that your web site will open faster. Absolutely no extra website modifications are required.

By result of the exceptional connectivity possibilities provided by all our cloud web hosting Datacenter Facilities, your website will start working significantly faster as soon as you turn to our hosting services.

NVMe Drives

Web Accelerators

A variety of software tools to boost the loading speed of your websites

Usefully integrated in the Web Hosting Control Panel you can find a number of Web Accelerator Tools meant to speed up your dynamic, database–powered web sites. By caching web content, these software tools reduce the number of times a database is requested and hence optimize the server load. This will help all your sites open faster and it will curtail the bounce rates. You’ll be able to pick from among 3 web accelerator tools – Node.js, Varnish and Memcached.

Web Accelerators

A Database Manager

A one–stop database management tool.

With the Database Manager included in the Web Hosting Control Panel, you can quickly and efficiently control all the databases. You’ll be able to set up new databases with only a few clicks. We also offer comprehensive MySQL usage stats that will show you which databases of yours are used most

And we have created a tool that enables you to back up any of your databases with one mouse click, without the need to log into the phpMyAdmin graphical user interface.

A Database Manager

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

A 99.9 percent uptime for your web sites

We have created our very own custom–built hosting system where the server load is decreased and a ninety–nine point nine percent network uptime is guaranteed. Our engineers monitor the machines all the time and also execute routine maintenance tasks. All our cloud hosting plans offer a 99.9% uptime warranty regardless of whether you’ve chosen to host your websites in the United States of America, in Europe or in Australia.

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

  • Service guarantees

  • Our plans include absolutely no installation rates together with a 30 day money–back warranty. Dedicated Servers’s common response time is twenty minutes.
  • Compare our prices

  • Have a quick look at the quotas and attributes offered by every one of our web hosting packages. You could start with a cheaper plan and move up with only a click of the mouse as your online presence grows.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • Get in touch with us at any time within business hours on weekdays for just about any pre–sale or basic questions regarding our services. Contact us at any moment.