The earlier you establish your web site, the speedier your ideas will go live. This is exactly why, we have made an amazing range of more than 800 cost free templates which are featured within our Web Hosting Control Panel. You don’t need to waste numerous hours browsing galleries of very much the same web templates and hoping that you will locate a specialized design and style for your website. All of the templates are completely customizable and are attainable with all of our cloud web hosting accounts.

The themes are focused on numerous themes and actions. We provide you with themes that will be great for private websites such as blogs as well as enterprise sites, like online stores. A lot of the themes are accessible only with Dedicated Servers’s web hosting services, and this provides you with the cabability to possess a unique layout for your site.

800+ Cost Free Templates

Fully customizable. Auto Installing

In our Control Panel you can find a group of 800+ cost free templates. All of them are meant for anyone who wishes to quickly create a new web site by using a unique theme, and never having to shell out several hours checking numerous theme galleries on the web.

Dedicated Servers’s themes are derived from the most widespread types of sites – blogs, portfolio pages, message boards, sites of non–profit agencies, e–stores, business web sites, etc.

Free Website Themes

Cost Free App Templates

Find cost free templates for your upcoming web app

If you plan to create a Joomla site or perhaps set up a brand new Wordpress blog, you can find a solution available for you. Using the Best Web Apps, you can easily go with a cost free template when setting up your site. Dedicated Servers’s smart system is going to set up the template on your behalf and at the time your site goes online, it’ll have the web site theme you have opted for.

Our cost free templates are not available to only Joomla or WordPress. We have cost free templates for Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).

Free App Themes

Cost Free Site Builder Templates

100+ fully customizable cost free templates

With our Site Generation Tool, you can actually design your next site at no cost, without having to dedicate any money on web design. You will have at hand more than 100 exceptional web site themes, available in a variety of styles as well as palettes and which you may revise and personalize as you would like.

It is not necessary to be familiar with anything in relation to HTML or CSS in order to change the look and feel of one’s web templates. You have available the included editor to undertake everything. If you have ever worked with a text–editing program, you’ll have no trouble using the services of the manager.

Free Site Builder Themes