Using the Mail Manager, enclosed inside the Hepsia Web Hosting Control Panel you are able to easily maintain all your e–mail accounts, regardless of how many sites you’ll have. You can quickly sort email accounts, switch on anti–spam, create e–mail forwarding with merely a mouse–click and set up filters for your e–mail accounts. As a result of our auto–configure scripts, it’s possible to quickly set up your mail client to function with any mailbox of yours. And the latter is merely a modest part of what Dedicated Servers’s Mail Manager can assist you with.
Anti–Spam Protection
Get rid of spam with a click
From the Mail Manager of the Web Hosting Control Panel, you’ll be able to take over spam messages. The included anti–spam tool will filter incoming emails and you can customize its level of control with only a click of the mouse. You may also indicate a unique volume of spam protection for every single e–mail account.
There are 2 simple ways that our system treats messages flagged as spam. You can pick whether a spam email should be erased, or forwarded to a pre–selected mailbox.
Email Forwarding
Route messages from a single email address to a new one
We’ve managed to get it really easy if you want to forward emails from a mailbox to a new one within your hosting plans account. All that you should do is choose the e–mail account that you’d like to forward and after that fill out the destination mailbox in which you want each of the messages to get sent to.
It’s also possible to allow a duplicate of each forwarded message to be kept in the email account you have forwarded.
Email Filters
Bring order to your mailbox
While using Mail Manager of your Web Hosting Control Panel, it is definitely very easy to set up different e–mail filters. Everything you should do is state the keywords that’ll be used to filter messages and precisely where the filter will look for them (subject, body, etc.) and then opt for the activity which will be applied to the filtered email messages.
Email Protection
Email protection with DomainKeys and SPF records
We’ve integrated a number of tools in your Web Hosting Control Panel that can protect your mailbox from being used for spam purposes without your knowledge. We have DomainKeys working for virtually all mailboxes by default. This particular service compares the sender’s website to the email message to warrant that the delivered message was derived from that address.
We’ve also enabled SPF (Sender Policy Framework) protection – a solution, which defends all your mailboxes from spammers who use your mailbox to send spam messages on presumably your behalf.
Email Auto–Configure Option
Rapid PC e–mail configuration
Through the auto–configure option of the Mail Manager, you can actually create email accounts in your favored PC mail client with a a mouse–click. Simply click on the icon belonging to the mail client that you would like to use for a chosen email address and get the auto–configuration file. This will automatically create your mailbox within your chosen desktop client.
We have introduced config files for the most widely–used mail clients – Mozilla Thunderbird, Outlook, Outlook Express and Mac Mail.
Check your mailbox from any place
By making use of webmail, you can easily look at your e–mail messages trough any desktop or notebook, around the globe. It’s all done through a web browser, and it is not necessary to have a mail client configured within your device. Use the website address which we provide you to log into your email account through any web–connected device.
What’s more, you can log into your e–mail account with only a mouse–click through the Webmail area of your Web Hosting Control Panel. All you have to do is choose an email address and afterwards click the webmail client image to get into it. It is not necessary to type in any email login credentials.